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Labour in Scotland

16 Mar

published by one more yes

The Labour Party in Scotland calls itself, ‘Scottish Labour’. There is no such thing as Scottish Labour, legal or otherwise.

‘Scottish’ Labour  has a track record of letting Scotland down, and no amount of pipers at their annual conference will make them Scottish.  Indeed, their track record has not only let Scotland down, but, as can be seen below, has also worked against Scotland.

So called ‘Scottish’ Labour: 

Imposed the 40% rule in 1979 Devolution vote – scuppering the establishment of a Scottish Parliament despite a majority vote for it.

Took Scotland’s electorate for granted at UK, Scottish and local level for decades – used Scotland as voting fodder for Labour to win at Westminster. 

Worked with the Tories to deny Scotland’s independence during the 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum.

Campaigned to deny Scotland additional powers during the Smith Commission, and indeed, offered the fewest powers behind even the Tories.

Saddled Scotland with massive debt repayments under the PFI schemes they established and negotiated.

Stole 6,000 square miles of Scottish waters, and the oil fields therein, the night before the devolved Scottish Parliament came into existence in 1999.

Only built 6 council houses while in Govt in Scotland.

Deliberately kept Scotland’s potential oil wealth hidden – see McCrone Report.

Labour in Scotland is the past. Their track record above only confirms this.

Fortunately, Scotland has the opportunity for a better future – that better future is independence.